The Impact Berry Has Had On Your Life - Always Berry Part 4

There’s something special about Berry.

For many of our students and alumni, it’s always been about more than just getting an education.

It’s about becoming the people they are today.

Berry continues to shape who you are years after graduation.

The community stays with you always – and that’s why we say we are Always Berry.

Show how you’re Always Berry by supporting a crowdfunding project that’s making a real impact on Berry students today!

See where your gift can go the furthest here:


This is Part 4 of our “Always Berry” video series, featuring:

- Chardonnay Copeland (13C)
- Kelli Stansell Duncan (10C)
- Leanne Hand Cook (87C)
- Luis Luna (17C)
- Victoria Berrios (17C)
- Jonathan Purser (85C)
- Steve Briggs, President
- Chris Hayes (04C)

Watch all of our videos to discover how our growing community remains always connected, always there for each other, Always Berry.


Thank you to Brand RED Studios ( in Rome, GA for filming and producing this video series!

- Creative Director: Ryan Simmons (07C, 14G)
- Content Creator: Luis Luna (17C)
- Art Director: Helen Thomson Simmons (07C)
- Content Creator: Todd LaBerge