Why Give Back - Always Berry Part 6

“Not to be ministered unto, but to minister to.” This is the charge Martha Berry gave her students when she first founded Berry, and the Berry community continues to follow it today by giving of their time, finances, and energy.

We asked Berry alumni and students to share what it meant to have alumni supporting them when they were students and why they choose to give back to Berry today in this “Always Berry” video.

From giving mock interviews to serving on Alumni Council to donating to scholarships, the Berry community lives out Martha Berry’s mission every day by giving back to Berry and our students.

This is Part 6 of our “Always Berry” video series, featuring:

- Kelli Stansell Duncan (10C)
- Rachel Blair Reiff (16C)
- Earl Tillman (52H)
- Tom (55H) and Martha Wyatt Bowen (55H, 59C)
- Ryan Simmons (07C, 14G)
- Bailey Dingley (20c)
- Larry Arrington, Jr. (93C)
- Chris Hayes (04C)

Watch all of our videos to discover how our growing community remains always connected, always there for each other, Always Berry.



Thank you to Brand RED Studios (https://www.brandredstudios.com) in Rome, GA for filming and producing this video series!

- Creative Director: Ryan Simmons (07C, 14G)
- Content Creator: Luis Luna (17C)
- Art Director: Helen Thomson Simmons (07C)
- Content Creator: Todd LaBerge